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Beraja Medical Institute: Dr. Alma Regnault photo

Beraja Medical Institute: Dr. Alma Regnault
2550 Douglas Rd,
Coral Gables, FL

2550 Douglas Rd, Coral Gables, FL 33134, United States of America
+1 305-928-1599
7:45 am to 4 pm
7:45 am to 4 pm
7:45 am to 4 pm
7:45 am to 4 pm
7:45 am to 4 pm
Yolanda Justi Avatar

Yolanda Justi

1 year ago
Jennyzel Silva Avatar

Jennyzel Silva

1 year ago
Why a Star ⭐️? Well, because the truth is they have to do something about the people at the counter. front desk. The guys start talking knowing that there are people to attend to, you arrive with an appointment, they make you queue completely along with the people who don't have one, the wait is immense, the guys at the front desk already know that everything can't be done well. the world but at least during work hours try not to chat with colleagues but rather focus on helping the people who are arriving so they can move forward. A completely unemployed boy could help the line move forward but one of the workers decided not to do anything anyway. I only let you know so that they can do something to improve or at least the people who attend are aware of what awaits them. Long lines, totally rude people in front of customers.

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