Buffalo's Best Opticians
6224 Transit Rd,
Depew, NY

Sherry Wittlinger
1 year ago
My husband and I bought 2 Living Social Deals a few months ago for BUFFALO'S BEST each deal being for eyeglasses worth $200 for $39. Total $78. GOOD deal!!
Two weeks ago we went to Buffalo's Best to use our deals. Presented our certificates to the owner and he said pick any of the frames on these boards over here. We had hundreds to choose from, a great selection! Yay!! I'm getting purple glasses...my FAV color! :) Sat down with our choice frames and our perscriptions. $816 for 2 pair of no line bi focals. Minus the $400 Living Social certificates. Equals $416 out of pocket ($494 if you include the price of the Living Social deals).
This past Saturday we got a Western NY local merchants coupon booklet that comes in the mail every few months. In this booklet of coupons is a coupon for $229 for complete no line bi focals from Buffalo's Best, in this coupon it also lists REGULAR price $319.99 (so for 2 pair it'd be $640) WHOA!!! Wait a minute! We're paying $816 for 2 pair. Our loss of $179!!!!
Did the owner bump up the price when he knew we had the Living Social deals?! hmmmmm
So we went in today to pick up our glasses. THe optician who waited on us was great and he said he'd put a call into the owner and we should expect to hear from him.

Darren O'Hern
1 year ago
This place is a total joke. DO NOT BUY THE GROUPON OR AMAZON LOCAL DEAL. They advertise $200 to spend on eyewear- we ended up spending an additional $100 for a simple pair of glasses for my 6 year old. Complete clip joint with unfriendly and arrogant staff and shoddy goods. Steer clear of BBO.

Segun Odukoya
1 year ago
Total rip off!!! Went here a few months back because I purchased a Groupon for $200 toward a complete pair of eyeglasses. There are no prices on anything and the creepy, unfriendly salesman said he would "total up everything for me once I was ready." I ended up picking out a GENERIC pair of wire framed glasses. After tallying everything up and deducting my $200 coupon, my grand total was $389...without an eye exam!! That means that a generic pair of glasses would have cost $589 if I didn't have a coupon???!!! I find that hard to believe. I really liked the glasses and had already purchased the Groupon, so stupid me went along with it. He refused to itemize my bill and just said that my glasses would be ready in 7-10 days. Finally, THREE WEEKS later my glasses arrived. The real kicker is that I went shopping with my husband yesterday for his glasses (somewhere else of course), and saw my EXACT FRAMES FOR $99...and they weren't even on sale! Uugh, do I feel stupid. :(