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Cincinnati Eye Institute
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222 Piedmont Ave Suite 4000, Cincinnati, OH 45219, United States of America
+1 513-984-5133
8 am to 5 pm
8 am to 5 pm
8 am to 5 pm
8 am to 5 pm
8 am to 5 pm
Lula Fairbanks Avatar

Lula Fairbanks

9 months ago
Dr. Kaufman is the BEST! He was very reassuring, pleasant and showed concern for my comfort before and after surgery. His entire staff was professional and polite. I highly recommend him.
Lucille Jones Avatar

Lucille Jones

9 months ago
Dr. Adam Kaufman gave me my sight back when no one else could, Dr. Kaufman is a true professional and excellent at his profession; Dr. Kaufman is the GOAT in eye care! I only trust my vision needs to Dr. Adam Kaufman and The CEI Team. Dr. Kaufman gave me my sight and life back, I’m forever grateful to Dr. Adam Kaufman and The Cincinnati Eye Institute! May God continue to bless and keep Dr. Adam Kaufman and The CEI family! Blessed, Grateful, Thankful. . . Lucille
Mark Reis Avatar

Mark Reis

9 months ago
At my routine eye exam, my doctor found something abnormal with my left retina. I was referred to the Cincinnati Eye Institute. My experience was less than satisfactory. The first person I saw had hygiene issues and was rather odiferous. The next gentleman I saw was had his hair done up in a bun held by a chop stick, long painted fingernails, and beard. While he was polite and respectful, I was waiting for Benny Hill to pop out. Both eyes were dilated, when I only needed the left examined. I told the odiferous man, that in the past I had bad reactions to the dilation drops. The last time I was dilated, I had to get allergy eye drops to stop the inflammation. They went ahead and dilated both eyes with the “stronger dilation” eye drops. The doctor had someone look at my eye first, doctor 1. Doctor 1 then wanted a student to look at my dilated eyes. I told him no, that was not going to happen. Finally, Dr. Hutchins, he confirmed what doctor 1 saw and wanted the student to take a look which I told them was not going to happen, saying “I don’t want any more light shined in my eyes.” Oh dear doctors, bright light is painful when you are dilated (go stare at the sun)! I drove home with dilated eyes. While at home my eyes turned bright red, my eyes stayed dilated. I tried lubricating eye drops to get the burning to stop. Nothing changed. I called the office where I left a message and got a response about two hours later. Fortunately for me my mother called and reminded me, “the last time this happened the doctor ordered allergy eye drops.” I went to CVS and got a bottle of allergy eye drops which stopped my eyes from burning. 11 hours after my appointment I have headache, sinus headache, both eyes feel scratchy, I still cannot read paper copy, and I am still light sensitive. I will never be back!