Consultants in Ophthalmic & Facial Plastic Surgery
15356 Trenton Rd,
Southgate, MI
15356 Trenton Rd, Southgate, MI 48195, United States of America
+1 734-258-7400

Laura Maher
1 year ago
I called to make an appointment for under eye filler. She told me it was $130 consultation. That money would go towards the filler, but couldn’t give me a price range what what I was after. Unfortunately, because she did not give me a price range, I hung up and scheduled with someone different. A suggestion to the company…let the client know the approximate value per syringe. If I got there and it was $1000 (knowing its 500-600 typically) I would be out $130.

Linda Rose
1 year ago
Didn't discuss surgery. Rushed out with one eye dropped. Performed another repair surgery on the dropped eyelid in office two weeks later. It failed