Cordelia Uddoh
3212 W Cheltenham Ave #16, Philadelphia, PA 19150, United States of America
+1 215-657-5044
Hey DJSpike
1 year ago
Referred here to see the well credentialed Cordelia N. Uddoh, MD, R. Ph. A little taken back when I entered because of the non affiliated glasses store in the front of the bldg. Quaint office space once inside but very dull. With no windows it feels like they need a upgrade. Even the lighting is shadowy. With that said, the staff are also boring at best. Makes you wonder what goes on when customers aren't there? Most places have loud easy listening music or a low playing t.v. but not here! Bring your beats cushioned headphones. Once meeting the doctor, pretty much of the same. Although very knowledgeable she was bland and straightforward. I needed to surgically remove a bump on my eyelid. But first I was walked around for testing of my vision. I realize that everybody can't be " jolly" at work but you're supposed to make people feel welcome WHEREVER the business is! Add that to the lengthy doctor's visit slowness and you suddenly feel the need for freedom when it's over!! I personally just wish that ALL of the African American establishments that I frequent would, invest not only in fancy equipment but pleasant and welcoming customer service!