Denver Retina Center PC - Diana Reeves MD
4500 Cherry Creek S Dr UNIT 102,
Denver, CO
4500 Cherry Creek S Dr UNIT 102, Denver, CO 80246, United States of America
+1 303-220-0393

1 year ago
Dr Reeves saved my eye when I needed an emergency vitrectomy. Her office was extremely helpful getting me in quickly and organizing things with my insurance. Dr Reeves rearranged her evening schedule to get me into a surgery timeslot. She recognized the infection as soon as she saw my eye and reacted quickly. Then, she provided excellent post-op support as I recovered. If it weren't for Dr Reeves and her team, I would have permanent vision loss. Thanks Dr Reeves!!!

Kate Nogarede
1 year ago
I previously had a torn retina that Dr. Reeves repaired, and I thought I had torn the retina in my other eye. Dr. Reeves met me on a Saturday to check it out. Luckily, it was just a vitreous detachment, but I was so thankful to her and Fadima for taking time on a Saturday to examine me so that I did not have to wait until Monday to find out. She let my husband come into the exam room and he was very impressed with her vast knowledge and professionalism. She is an extremely dedicated professional and an extraordinary retina specialist. I trust her implicitly and highly recommend her.

Raye Charton
1 year ago
Staff and Dr. Reeves are professional and do their job competently. Yes, there is a wait. However, going to the doctor doesn’t always equate to fast service. Her business is the business of saving someone’s vision and sometimes this can’t be rushed. A doctor’s office is not a coffee shop, a nail salon, or a McDonald’s. I think Dr. Reeves is worth the wait and she comes highly recommended by many physician colleagues I know and work with. So chill out and just remember: it took Dr. Reeves over 12 years of training to fix your eye. You can wait 3 hours if it’s necessary for your vision 👍.