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Dr. Jennifer A. Galvin, M.D. photo

Dr. Jennifer A. Galvin, M.D.
202 Cherry St,
Milford, CT

202 Cherry St, Milford, CT 06460, United States of America
+1 203-878-1236
8 am to 5 pm
8 am to 12 pm
8 am to 12 pm
8 am to 5 pm
8 am to 5 pm
8 am to 5 pm
Jilly G Avatar

Jilly G

1 year ago
Dr. Galvin saved me one evening when I had severe eye pain and called her on-call service. I have never experienced this level of care and compassion. She met me in her office at 9:30pm (bringing her 2 year old) - I had my 6 year old - and spent a couple hours not only diagnosing and treating my severe corneal abrasion - but also calming me down and helping me cope with the severe pain. She was incredible in every respect and I highly recommend her to anyone.
Ruth Valentin Avatar

Ruth Valentin

1 year ago
I drive an hour to see Dr. Galvin. My daughter has a special situation with her eyes and the care Dr.Galvin gives is immeasurable. She is great with children and super patient and sweet. Dr. Galvin is passionate about her work and it shows … More
Daniel Clausen Avatar

Daniel Clausen

1 year ago
Dr. Galvin has cared for our 7 year old daughter since she was 6 months old. Our daughter has various eye conditions and has had multiple eye surgeries. Dr. Galvin has always taken the time to answer all of our questions, does thorough … More

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