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Dr. Justin Dexter photo

Dr. Justin Dexter
550 Harrison St suite l,
Syracuse, NY

550 Harrison St suite l, Syracuse, NY 13202, United States of America
+1 315-362-3937
Cecelia Collison Avatar

Cecelia Collison

1 year ago
My first review was so jumbled that I've decided to re-post now. I would like to warn people about one of the most rude, arrogant and angry individuals I have ever met. I came to him hoping he could help me with a serious vision problem and was greeted with his almost yelling at me saying why did I come there and I nicely responded with "because I read your reviews which seemed so encouraging and then he said "I don't know you and of course he didn't, but he should have given a normal response like "I'll need to get to know you" 7thHe then proceeded to say ""What do you want me to do",again in an angry and rude manner. I answered i came here hoping you would be able to give me some advice" hoping he would show me kind caring, professional demeanor that any normal person would have. I hope you can take my advice and seek someone kind to help you. I am sure his associates are much more qualified 3qualified.say What do YOU want me to do" and all I

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