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Dr. Lou R. Elder photo
Dr. Lou R. Elder
427 E 17th St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627, United States of America
+1 949-642-0720
9 am to 6 pm
9 am to 5 pm
10 am to 4 am
9 am to 5 pm
10 am to 7 pm
9 am to 5 pm
Danielle Haffner Avatar

Danielle Haffner

1 year ago
I had planned on not returning to this optometrist following my last visit rather than posting a bad review but I am now realizing, a few months later, that the contact prescription I have is clearly wrong so I feel it's my duty to warn other consumers. This optometrist actually has three strikes against him in my opinion. First strike, his bed side manner is poor- he lectured me about his conservative political views and also informed me that because of Obama my VSP insurance was going to basically be gone in 2013. First off, I am a fiscal conservative, and could appreciate his point of view even if I did not entirely agree, I simply felt that an eye exam was a totally inappropriate forum for political debate. Secondly, I confirmed with my work's HR department that there is no change to VSP coverage in 2013 so I'm not sure where he's getting his information. Second strike, I paid almost $600 for a new pair of glasses on top of using my insurance for a year supply of contacts. I received my contacts one week after my appointment, only after I called and asked if they had them. It then took almost a month to get my glasses, with no update unless I called, and honestly I was on the verge of cancelling the order. I've never had to wait for an entire month for glasses. Third strike...I can't even use these contacts. What a waste of money!

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