Dr. Matthew A. Todaro, MD
4201 St Antoine,
Detroit, MI

Kevin McAvoy
1 year ago
Went to ER with terrible right lower abdomen. So intense was the pain I could not stand up straight
Todaro came up, poked me, told me I was fat. Suggested a future sonogram appt, to be made by me. Told me that the hospital had no imaging equipment on Sunday (they do...he lied to me and my wife) and he sent me home. He also lied in the tx report saying he attempted a gurneyside ultrasound. By the time I was able to make the appt for imaging, the appendix burst and I was treated to a life threatening surgery that resulted in several infections, surgeries, and 21 months of painful recovery. Dehision, then rotting flesh in a canyon 13" long in the center of my belly. Vaccuum treatments and daily trips to the wound clinic. High doses of opiates and mind shredding constipation.
Tadero completely destroyed my life due to his rank incompetence. He should lose his license. His rambling job history speaks for itself. He screws up, the hospital covers it up as long as he leaves, then he moved on to hurt other people. He cannot keep a job.
I hope he gets kicked in the shins.