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Dr. Pacuraru, Anca photo

Dr. Pacuraru, Anca
2959 Buffalo Gap Rd,
Abilene, TX

2959 Buffalo Gap Rd, Abilene, TX 79605, United States of America
+1 325-701-9885
8 am to 12 pm, 1 to 5 pm
8 am to 12 pm, 1 to 5 pm
8 am to 12 pm, 1 to 5 pm
8 am to 12 pm, 1 to 5 pm
8 am to 12 pm
AnnMarie Schaefer Avatar

AnnMarie Schaefer

1 year ago
Dr. Pacararu has been my ophthalmologist for years. When she left Abilene I was sad but understood her family commitment. As soon as I found out she returned to Abilene I immediately made my appointment. She has treated me for glaucoma and cataracts. Most recently I’ve had surgery in both eyes, cataract removal, stents placed in eye canals to reduce glaucoma pressure, and oh my new lens implants. Oh my gosh I don’t need glasses for distance but do need them for reading (not a prob for me)👌. I’m an RN and I know the best physicians available. Dr. Pac expertise is undeniable and she is the best ophthalmologist diagnostician for all family members. She is kind and listens intensely to your questions and educates at each visit. Her staff are also committed to every patient needs which is exactly what Dr. Pac desires for her patients. As I have said and will say again, Dr. Pac is the best in the business. You can’t go wrong with this truly wonderful ophthalmologist and her dedicated staff.
Jeanie Rutherford Avatar

Jeanie Rutherford

1 year ago
Dr.Pac and her staff are the BEST!!! Do NOT waste time trying to go anywhere else!! I was diagnosed with glaucoma in one eye and young with no family history. I was super nervous and beyond worried. However, she wasted NO TIME in my treatment plan. From the time I stepped into her office until my pressure was where she was happy with it.....I HAD THE BEST CARE AND VERY HAPPY with how things turned out. Thank you Dr. Pac and your amazing staff!!!!
Ebenezer Scrooge Avatar

Ebenezer Scrooge

1 year ago
I have known Dr. Pacuraru since 2010 and I am very happy she is my eye doctor. She is very professional and takes time to explain the results of eye tests to you so that you can understand. She is very nice, friendly, and patient. I highly recommend Dr. Pacuraru to anyone who needs an eye doctor. I've never experienced long waiting times to see Dr. Pacuraru like the other reviewer and her staff has always been courteous and polite to me and my family. I've recommended her to many of my friends who also go to see her for their eye care.

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