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Dr. Thomas Eng photo

Dr. Thomas Eng
1330 Boston Post Rd,
Milford, CT

1330 Boston Post Rd, Milford, CT 06460, United States of America
+1 203-877-6593
Kurt Fritz Avatar

Kurt Fritz

1 year ago
When I made the appt I asked If he accepted Anthem and gave my member ID. Went to the appointment thinking no copay as my insurance covers medical and eye exams at zero copay. When I went there he said that my visit would cost $50. When I asked he said insurance only covered routine and he would do other tests and that would be not be covered and my copay was $50. He NEVER ONCE said that he is not in network with Anthem and that was my coinsurance because he was out of network. Disgusting, money hungry doctor. AVOID THiS CREEP!!! I have filed a grievance with Anthem. I will also file with Medicare.

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