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Dr. Thu Huynh photo

Dr. Thu Huynh
7100 N Abby St,
Fresno, CA

7100 N Abby St, Fresno, CA 93720, United States of America
+1 559-432-7171
10 am to 6:30 pm
9 am to 5:30 pm
9 am to 4 pm
9 am to 5:30 pm
9 am to 5:30 pm
10 am to 6:30 pm
Dr. Rophine Moriah ken Avatar

Dr. Rophine Moriah ken

1 year ago
Dr. Huynh is the bed in Fresno. I have been wearing the same prescription glasses for the past 12 years because every time I wanted to change them, no one ever got them right. So I finally decided to go tocostco and that is how I found this exceptional doctor who got my prescription glasses right for the first time. I was so excited that I bought four pairs of them at once just in case she relocate. She is just fabulous. I highly recommend her to anyone in need of eye care. wachange them, no one ever got them
Virginia guerra Avatar

Virginia guerra

1 year ago
This Dr. gave me a wrong prescription. She prescribed me reading glasses. I am nearsighted. The receptionist was a hot mess--- her desk was super disorganized, poor multitasking skills and social/ customer service skills. The exam room experience was no different. I passed on getting my eyes dilated, because I didn't feel comfortable nor that I was in "good hands". There was a lack of professionalism and expertise. I am using my old glasses because, the new prescription is straining my eyes. I should've just stuck with Eye-Q.
Phil Stafford Avatar

Phil Stafford

1 year ago
I had gone in for a contact lens exam after not wearing them for a few years and was told that my prescription had changed dramatically. I gave the trial pair over a week of wear before the follow-up appointment. I was unable to focus on most objects, being unable to see in indoor light or read text either far away or nearby. I completely lost all near vision -- everything was far too blurry to see. I was unable to read text on my computer screen even from 1 - 3 feet away. When I went in for my follow-up exam, this optometrist told me that it was normal and that I needed reading glasses if I were going to use contacts. She did not address my inability to see far away. When I asked then why I was unable to see indoors, she proceeded to explain to me that it was because my pupil was dilated and working too hard. I asked her then what would be the point of having contacts if I would be unable to see indoors or close up at all. She listed a number of activities where that might be feasible, like sports, or driving (as if my inability to read street signs wouldn't make me a complete danger to everyone else on the road). Instead of attempting to fix the issue, this person tried to tell me why it was perfectly reasonable to expect wavy text and blurry objects. On top of this, the prescription glasses I ordered gave me blinding headaches. She had me schedule ANOTHER appointment 10 days out to address that issue. When I suggested that the prescriptions were wrong, she said we would address them at that point, "With the same doctor that did your exam". Um....she WAS the same person who did my exam -- and there are no others in this office. What did she mean? So at this point, I have been told that contact lenses will only work for sports or being a menace on the road. And the headache-inducing glasses will have to wait until next Saturday -- nearly a MONTH after the initial exam. I'm wearing the old pair I got at Eyeglass World -- and able to see up close (both on the computer and while reading) and able to see far away -- although again street signs are blurry, they aren't nearly as bad as they were with both the contacts and glasses. My wife says I should get a complete refund (since clearly the prescription was wrong in both cases) and go down to Fogg, Maxwell, and Lanier. They did our daughters' glasses with no problems. I'm not even sure why I went into this place. I was swayed by the cheap prices. I guess you get what you pay for when you buy prescription lenses out of a warehouse. Stay away from this bargain-basement optometrist.

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