IQ Laser Vision - Santa Clara
2901 Tasman Dr # 208,
Santa Clara, CA
Get online care · iqlaservision.com
2901 Tasman Dr # 208, Santa Clara, CA 95054, United States of America
+1 408-475-2220

Mafrey Samanwiwat
1 year ago
My last day of wearing glasses after I have been wearing over 10 years. I decided to do ReLEx SMILE. It doesn’t hurt at all! I did with IQ Laser Vision- Santa Clara. I highly recommend!

Dyland Xue
1 year ago
There’s a reason this place consistently gets 5 stars reviews - their staff is incredibly friendly, patient, and professional, and people get the results they want. I had a good time interacting with everybody from the consultant to the office staff to the doctors. I got SMILE and the procedure was as quick and painless as I expected. It was a little scary of course but Dr. Pham was super calming and made the procedure feel easy. Within 24 hours of the procedure I felt that my vision recovered to 20/20 if not better.
3 days later, I was embarrassingly late to my post-op visit (and arrived after their office hours) due to heavy traffic. Because I was flying out the same night rescheduling would’ve been quite difficult. Despite it being entirely my fault, the office still decided to wait for me, and Dr. Wu who saw me after hours was incredibly understanding and efficient. (Sorry again for making you stay late!)
All in, I whole heartedly recommend this place. I think it’s run by good people who care about their patients.

1 year ago
Did SMILE for both eyes last Friday. On the day, the eyes are very blury, went straight home and slept for 14 hours! That's my best sleep for many years. The second day, I feel like my eyesight had recovered for 80% already. It's 4th day now, other than a few times a day, my eyes gets confused about focus, they feel very normal. Dr Phan is really good on it!