L.O. Eye Care East Lansing
2001 Coolidge Rd,
East Lansing, MI
Get online care · loeye.com
2001 Coolidge Rd, East Lansing, MI 48823, United States of America
+1 517-337-1668

Pamela Gray
1 year ago
It took about 8 minutes to check us out once we got called to the desk. It was a receptionist in training which I understand will take longer but teaching all the ends and out shouldn't be done while the patient is waiting. Schedule the appointment first, send the patient on there way and finish up computer teaching. Glad I wasn't in a hurry.
Doctor was great.

Nicholas Martin
1 year ago
Totally thorough. Very willing to listen and to explain. Gave me recommendation for new doctor and reasons of why to see the new doctor.
Felix did my exam. He was exceptionally good.

Lianne Prange
1 year ago
Oh my gosh! A little wait is acceptable but sitting in the waiting room 30 minutes only to have someone come and say they're another 45 minutes behind. 3 hours for a follow-up is WAY too much. A call ot text would have been nice.