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Optom-Eyes Vision Care - Fashion Valley Mall photo
Optom-Eyes Vision Care - Fashion Valley Mall
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7007 Friars Rd Mall Suite 351, San Diego, CA 92108, United States of America
+1 619-291-2020
11 am to 5:30 pm
10 am to 9 pm
11 am to 5:30 pm
11 am to 5:30 pm
10 am to 6:30 pm
11 am to 5:30 pm
N1nja Waldo Avatar

N1nja Waldo

9 months ago
When people think of eyecare they usually dont think of a mall. However, I was referred there by my primary care doctor. It was easy to find just gotta remember it's in the entrance in the back of the mail near the parking garage. The staff was very friendly. The eye doctor was polite, kind, and she had patience towards me. I definitely recommend them to others.
Kelli w Avatar

Kelli w

9 months ago
The staff is really friendly and super knowledgeable about the glasses they sell. Very informative with answering questions. It only loses a star because of the location in the shopping center
Alyssa Meyer Avatar

Alyssa Meyer

9 months ago
This place is amazing! Staff & doctor are so nice & welcoming. Highly recommend!