34176 US Hwy 19 N,
Palm Harbor, FL
34176 US Hwy 19 N, Palm Harbor, FL 34684, United States of America
+1 877-206-0706

Eric Harman
1 year ago
I love Regener Eyes. I've been using it for over a year. I had tried other dry eye medications, and although they had worked to varying degrees, none worked as well as my Professional strength Regener Eyes. No side effects, no irritation, no bad medicine taste like other treatments. Just cool refreshing drops. I sometimes forget just how much irritation I had. I'm symptom free now.

Roy “and Linda” McKillop
1 year ago
Per my doctors advice, I have been using Regener-Eyes for a few weeks now and I’ve had great improvement in my dry eye symptoms. Hope it continues. Definitely worth trying if you’re considering.

Diane Pond
1 year ago
I was diagnosed with severe glaucoma in my late 30's and I will soon turn 80. I have had multiple surgeries and procedures during the intervening years leaving my corneas looking like they have been rototilled. This has resulted in terrible dry eye issues, seeing double being one of them. I have in the last few years, at the direction of my dry eye specialist, added Regener-eyes to my regimen (2X a day) with excellent results. My sight is not perfect but I can read, drive during the day and observe my great grandchildren and I am satisfied.