Standard Optical - Ogden Eye Doctor
4283 Harrison Blvd,
Ogden, UT
4283 Harrison Blvd, Ogden, UT 84403, United States of America
+1 801-823-4963

Bob Nittoli
1 year ago
The Roy location shut down, so I'm leaving a review here. I would have gone to South Ogden location as it was closer but they have no optometrist on staff, which makes about as much sense as having a dentist office with no dentist. Anyway, Dr Ellison and the Optician at the Roy location were great, no issues. The problem is the waiting time for new lenses. I was told the prescription was nothing out of ordinary and to expect them 3 weeks, 4 weeks max and maybe as soon as 2 weeks. Barely able to function at work without my new lenses, I called at 4 weeks to find out what was going on and that's when I was informed the Roy location closed, just 8 days after my visit, and not a word of it was mentioned while I was there. Whoever answered the phone after Roy closed said I should have been quoted 6-8 weeks for lenses due to all the problems the lab was having. I would have walked right out with my prescription if I was told that (which is probably why they said 3 weeks). My Mom just got similar lenses from LensCrafters in 10 days. This is beyond ridiculous and completely unacceptable. Hopefully Dr Ellison got a job at a better organization because I'm sure as heck never going back to sub-Standard Optical.

1 year ago
Used to work there, nobody knew what they were doing, I felt so bad for the doctors I worked with, and the patients we saw.
Don’t believe anything the store, or corporate says about your contacts. They are not on back order, they are not delayed. The CEO just refuses to pay/can’t pay the distributor. I can’t speak on the length of glasses but I imagine it’s a similar story.
Save your time, your effort, and your money. Go elsewhere.

Casper J
1 year ago
The manager of this store closes and leaves whenever she wants. She makes excuses about having court dates on why she isn’t there to open the store at all. This has happened multiple times.
Then for a few months the excuse was that her systems were down.
Now her new excuses is that the power went out. The power was out for an hour at most, and this was DAYS AGO. This picture is taken today, after seeing this sign up for multiple days. I work at Smiths next to this location and see that this manager literally just does what she wants, leaves when she wants and has horrible horrible customer service.
I have been going to this store everyday on my breaks at work, trying to get my contacts that took almost 8 months just to get here but now I can’t because the manager is so terrible. I want to contact corporate about this if there is anyway possible. This is not fair to any of the customers and she doesn’t deserve the measly amount of people who have stayed to do business with her.