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Tescher Eye Center photo

Tescher Eye Center
1825 NE 164th St #1,
North Miami Beach, FL

1825 NE 164th St #1, North Miami Beach, FL 33162, United States of America
+1 305-945-7113
9 am to 5 pm
9 am to 5 pm
9 am to 6 pm
9 am to 5 pm
9 am to 5 pm
9 am to 12 pm
Su C-W Avatar

Su C-W

1 year ago
Poor customer service. Thank God my father is very blessed to have his children handle his affairs. This is a place that gets a lot of non English speaking patients you would think they would help but they won’t. Listen, if you are face to face with customers and have attitudes this type of field or job is not for you. We all going through something. Life is not easy for most of us out here. Helping someone will get you blessed in a long run. Father needed some assistance he put me on the phone and the young lady already was catching an attitude. Before coming to work fix ya attitudes. It’s elderly patients your helping. And my father is very patience and nice. But never forget some of these people you catch attitudes with have family that love them. So treat them with respect and help them.
Vipman VNV Avatar

Vipman VNV

1 year ago
The doctor Heather Phillips behaved abominably, didn't explain anything, didn't say anything, and didn't even talk much because I don't speak English well. She told me in plain text that she would not talk to me with the help of a translator on the phone. The staff also behaves as if they don't want to see anyone at their place. I've never felt so humiliated before. It's like I'm a second-class person.
Allicia Beadle-Lee Avatar

Allicia Beadle-Lee

1 year ago
Great appointment! Their social distancing procedures were right on point. The staff ushered us in, one patient at a time. Masks were mandatory. All staff had on masks and gloves, and cleansed the counter tops and furniture, constantly. Dr Tescher, just like his dad, was very professional and kind, explained my daughter’s eye condition thoroughly, and answered my concerns in detail. He was great. The staff was great. Thank you guys.

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