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The Alabama Cornea Care Center, LLC photo

The Alabama Cornea Care Center, LLC
7500 Memorial Pkwy SW Suite 118 A,
Huntsville, AL

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7500 Memorial Pkwy SW Suite 118 A, Huntsville, AL 35802, United States of America
+1 256-937-1213
Sara Avatar


1 year ago
Wow I wish I found this place years ago! I was concerned after my recent cornea surgery, that I had been left worse off than before the surgery. It took a poor fitting and a referral to Dr. Brantley for me to receive the best care I have had with this condition since first being diagnosed in 2009. Dr. Brantley took the time to first, care for my injury the previous contact gave me and then begin the next phase of the process which was fitting and making me whole again! He was thorough and made me feel comfortable. He’s easy to speak with and made me feel a thousand times better when I left his office. I cannot say enough words of the care Dr. Brantley provides and the way he restored faith back into patient care for me. I truly do appreciate him beyond words.Thank you.
Matt p Avatar

Matt p

1 year ago
Dr. Brantley is hands-down the finest eye doctor I’ve been to. I visited 7 doctors around the country and he is the first to actually diagnose my eyesight issues and provide effective treatment. He is personable and 100% engaged with his patients. Highly recommended!
Phillip Collins Avatar

Phillip Collins

1 year ago
After years of issues with worsening ghosting and double vision and no luck correcting with traditional soft lenses, I was referred to Dr. Brantley, who immediately determined that I had keratoconus and started the process to fit me with custom scleral lenses to correct my issues with irregular corneas and external astigmatism. While I experienced immediate improvement, he continued to fine tune the fit and acuity on each eye over the course of many follow-up visits. Dr. Brantley was able to diagnose that I had an extremely rare case of internal astigmatism and design a solution for that issue as well. My vision is now the best it has been in over 20 years. The Alabama Cornea Care Center is the exact opposite of a corporate eye care experience. Dr. Brantley has taken the time and care to understand my very unique needs and I can now get back to enjoying computer and music tasks with much more ease.

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