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The Eye Institute: Marc A. Goldberg, M.D. photo

The Eye Institute: Marc A. Goldberg, M.D.
2000 S Wheeling Ave # 1010,
Tulsa, OK

2000 S Wheeling Ave # 1010, Tulsa, OK 74104, United States of America
+1 918-584-4433
8 am to 4:30 pm
8 am to 4:30 pm
8 am to 4:30 pm
8 am to 4:30 pm
8 am to 2 pm
Renee Kaplan Avatar

Renee Kaplan

1 year ago
I have a rare autoimmune disease that can affect the eyes and cause blindness. My eyes had become bloodshot, so I called Dr. Goldberg’s office. His tech returned my call, and Dr. Goldberg sent a prescription to my pharmacy without seeing me or talking to me. A patient with my autoimmune disease and a new symptom in the eyes should have an exam with an ophthalmologist. Several weeks later, my dermatologist diagnosed me with new ocular involvement from my autoimmune disease. I was disappointed that Dr. Goldberg had not looked at my eyes and given me a correct diagnosis.
SL Coman Avatar

SL Coman

1 year ago
The most skilled eye surgeon I've ever visited. Dr. Goldberg takes plenty of time to explain treatment options and his staff is very professional in explaining costs and procedures. I felt safe and secure knowing that my eye problems are being taken care of by the best in Tulsa.
Craig Turner Avatar

Craig Turner

1 year ago
Grandma has had 3(possibly 4, can’t keep count) major surgeries and still can barely see. Appointments are never on time. A routine appointment to check eyes takes hours. “These appointments sometimes take a long time” is the answer I received when checking in after almost 2 hours of waiting. It’s like this every single time. Schedule a full day off work if you need to visit this place for any reason.

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