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Wyatt Brendan Eye Associates photo
Wyatt Brendan Eye Associates
166 N Memorial Dr, Prattville, AL 36067, United States of America
+1 334-358-7955
9 am to 5 pm
9 am to 5 pm
9 am to 5 pm
9 am to 5 pm
Kristen Schulenburg Avatar

Kristen Schulenburg

1 year ago
My honest and overall New Patient experience: Yesterday, I called and asked about insurance, which they are in network with and I was able to get an appointment today! When I arrived I noticed the reception area was really hollow and quiet and I could hear everything everyone said and that alarmed me a little due to people giving their personal information. I had to speak in order to be spoken to to the receptionist, she seemed very stressed, but overall she was nice to me. While filling out paperwork, I noted there was a page about privacy practice acknowledgement, but I hadn’t received any so I alerted the receptionist and told her I would not be signing until I was given that documentation. It took 40 mins from the time I checked in to the time I was called back. My tech seemed unknowledgeable so I assume she was new. She wasn’t very informative, nor did she describe things step by step or give me a heads up on what she was about to do or anything. I gave her a contact case with my old info on it, explaining that I’m pretty sure my prescription hadn’t changed and she eventually brought a stronger prescription in to which I tried in, but a veteran tech came in to help and eventually got the correct strength. The newer tech brought in a contact lens consent form that they wanted me to sign, but there were blanks that the office should’ve filled in and I asked what went in the blanks to which she replied, “I don’t normally do this, she just told me to get you to sign it” I told her I would not be signing anything to acknowledge I understood until it was completely filled out. She left and came back and said “she just told me to get you to sign it, it not a big deal” I repeated myself and explained I need someone from the office to fill the blanks in or I will not be signing. She came back with the items filled in. After my eyes were dilated, I was sat back in the reception area for 15 more minutes to which I was called back to wait on the doctor. When he came in, he asked about where I’d been seen last and if I’d been seen by an ophthalmologist and I said yes but he quickly corrected me when I told him my previous doctors name and said “that’s an optometrist, it’s not the same” He proceeded to tell me he didn’t like writing scripts for contacts for my strength since it wasn’t that bad and I told him I get headaches from glasses and have been using the same contacts for many years. He strongly suggested I use some brand I’ve never heard when I told him exactly what I wanted and he refused to write the script for the type of contacts I use and wrote the one he preferred and told me to try those for 2 weeks and sent me to the front desk and told the receptionist the same thing. I told the receptionist my issue with the RX and she gave me the copy and said to just order them online. I got home, ordered them online from a popular mail service and there is a delay on my order due to him writing the brand he wanted me to try on the prescription. I’ve never written a review like this before, but my experience was awful and I will not return. I should’ve looked at the reviews on google before I went.
Shane Avatar


1 year ago
Reception is a raging c*unt. You make an appointment, she'll roll her eyes. You ask her a question she'll roll her eyes. You breathe and she'll roll her eyes. The doctor should seriously reconsider her employment. The receptionist is the first person you deal with going to a new doctor. 0/10 would not recommend.
Ashley Crim-Smith (Ashley) Avatar

Ashley Crim-Smith (Ashley)

1 year ago
Really nice doctor & tech!!!! If you're a new patient, be ready to wait a while for your appointment, but it's worthwhile if you're wanting to get away from the corporate style places!

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