Zahra Ghiasi, MD (Advanced Eye Care & Glaucoma Center)
113 Waterworks Way Suite 245,
Irvine, CA
113 Waterworks Way Suite 245, Irvine, CA 92618, United States of America
+1 949-777-5970

Saeed J
1 year ago
Awful experience,
After making an appointment, providing my insurance information, I received at least 3 calls verifying I would show up on time. Arriving 15 min. earlier, I had to wait 30 min. before a nurse called my name and did some prep work. I had to wait another 20 min. for the Dr. Zahra Ghiasi to see me. All along, the nurses, the Dr. and receptionist talked loudly in Persian with no respect to none Persian speaking patients.
I verified with the accountant that my insurance did cover all expenses. I was told to return the following week for measuring my eyes for glasses.
Again, after making the appointment, receiving 3 calls to make sure I would be on time, I visited the Dr.'s office and this time had to wait more than 45 min. to be seen. When I objected and offered to return another day, Dr. left her other patient and rushed to see me. Because of my age, I am near sighted and Dr. verified that after her exam. She discussed different lenses and frames with me and I told her that I only want what is covered by my insurance since I do not use glasses at all and I was there for check-up only. I selected a frame verifying there was no out of pocket fees for it.
As I was leaving, Dr. handed me a bill for $544.00 which I objected and she told me my insurance does not cover the costs. I told her your office verified my insurance before making the appointment and she promised to follow up with the insurance company the next day and inform me. However, I still had to pay the full amount before leaving her office. Reluctantly I gave them my AX card. Dr.'s office never called me back and when I called them, they told me my glasses are ready to be picked up but no word about insurance.
I visited their office and again inquired about the charge. They said they are still investigating. It is been over a month and they have not gotten back to me.
I will never go back to this facility.

Terri Brunner
1 year ago
My mom actually sees the Dr. and she likes her a lot but her billing manager needs some training on how to take care of their patients. My mom is having a lot of eyesight problems it is serious she went to appointment and didn’t see dr because they said she owed 2,000. From two years ago. She tried to explain she never got the bill nobody called her. So she wasn’t seen. The manager said she didn’t work there two years ago so she wasn’t willing to work with my mom, she’s 81 years old on a budget taking care of two disabled children what has happened to working with people. I’m very disappointed

Leila Kraxberger
1 year ago
The quality of her work was good, however the financial treatment of the patients are very poor. I visited Dr Ghiasi per my mom's recommendation. She is on Medicare and does not check details of the billing as long as she does not have to pay. I on the other hand do read the details because I am not on Medicare and am insured through my work. I normally end up paying about $400 - 500 including frames for my glasses every year. This year I made the mistake of taking my mother's recommendation. I visited Dr Ghiasi in November because of headaches, she said it is best to wait until January to get glasses since the lenses are not changed much but this way you get coverage for new glasses next year. I asked if I had to pay her more for another visit and she said "NO" she will only double check the prescription and if the same as November then we will just get the lenses ordered. Great recommendation! In March I visited her again to get my glasses. Ended up paying again for the visit, ($25.00 reg co pay & $40.00 specialist's co pay - twice) then I paid over $500.00 for my glasses and then received another billing from her for about $120.00 for additional charges on some adjustments she has done each time I visited. Charging my insurance close to $700.00 and additional charges of $120.00 they are expecting from me. I thought I should ask before judging, maybe there was a mistake. After all I had to force the Roxanna to charge my card a co pay when she forgot to charge my card and insisted that I did not have to pay. Told her I do not want to receive a bill later, stating that I did not pay my co pay. She was not happy but charged the card per my request. So, I talked to her office twice and the gentleman who assists her, told me he will find out what these charges are and why twice (once in November and once on my 2nd visit to get my lenses.) and will get back to me. The only thing I received was an email with copy of the bill, they just circled the charges and sent it to me. Then I replied to email and asked for explanation again and to date (since March 2013 have not received a reply back only another billing that shows they added another $30.00 to the invoice for some reason. So, be aware and get everything in writing from her before accepting the verbal promise of "NO you will not be charged double." I am paying the bill but will not be going back.