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Alena Reznik photo

Alena Reznik

Dr. Alena Reznik
Los Angeles, CA
Alena Reznik

She completed her medical school training at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine with a full scholarship followed by residency in ophthalmology at UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento. After her residency, she completed sub-specialty training in glaucoma at UCLA Jules Stein Eye Institute in Los Angeles. Prior to SCEI, Alena Reznik served as an assistant professor in ophthalmology, glaucoma surgeon and glaucoma fellowship director at Keck School of Medicine of USC. During her time at USC she taught residents and fellows minimally invasive and conventional glaucoma surgery.

OphthalmologyGlaucoma treatmentCataract treatment

Advanced Medical and Surgical Glaucoma Management, Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery, Anterior Segment Disease, Comprehensive Ophthalmology

Alena Reznik, MD, is a glaucoma specialist and board-certified ophthalmologist at Southern California Eye Institute (SCEI), located at CHA Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center, a nationally recognized acute care facility providing compassionate support for Hollywood and its surrounding communities since 1924.

Alena Reznik is an expert in combined cataract and glaucoma surgeries. Her glaucoma research focuses on the development of novel surgical techniques and approaches to caring for patients with any stage of glaucoma. She is highly skilled in minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) for patients with mild to moderate glaucoma (such as iStent, Omni, Hydrus, Xen, micropulse laser and Kahook Dual Blade goniotomy).

With an early interest in ophthalmology research, Alena Reznik contributed to studies on age-related macular degeneration, dry eye syndrome diagnosis and management, as well as novel approaches to eye emergencies and the diagnosis of glaucoma. She has authored publications in multiple peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Glaucoma, Clinical Ophthalmology and American Journal of Ophthalmology. Her findings have been presented to medical peers across the world including the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society Annual Meeting in Sicily and the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology in the US, along with several television network interviews for NBC and Fox Sports on sports injuries of the eye and glaucoma and its impact.

Alena Reznik is a member of several prestigious academic societies, including the American Academy of Ophthalmology, American Glaucoma Society, American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery and Women in Ophthalmology Society. She is the recipient of several scholarship awards including the Marilyn and Marshall Butler Scholarship Award, Ruth G. White PEO Scholarship, and Johns Hopkins University Evelyn M. Hurlburt and Irene H. Sluckis Scholarship. Because of her life-long commitment to volunteer work, Alena Reznik is involved in organizing community ocular disease screening events for local underserved communities.

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