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Norcross, GA
Atlanta Eye Associates

Dr. Kim Raharja has been an optometrist for over 15 years. She is a woman of extensive education and knowledge. There are very few gifts as inspiring and captivating as the gift of sight. Atlanta Eye Associates believes that age-related macular disease, cataracts, and refractive error should not prevent you from experiencing the beauty of the world.Dr. Kim Raharja is a distinguished optometrist who has won numerous awards. She is exemplary of the commitment we have to quality. She was awarded the Georgia Young Optometrist of the Year in 2011, a rare award bestowed upon her by peers.

She was Wal-Mart Doctor of the Year, president of the Greater Atlanta Optometric Association, and a national lecturer for dry eye disease and contact lenses. Her extensive experience of over 15 years in the Atlanta area, as well as her knowledge of contact lenses, medical eye care, and pediatric eye care, have made her a respected expert.


Dr. Kim Raharja has been an optometrist for over 15 years. She is a woman of extensive education and knowledge. There are very few gifts as inspiring and captivating as the gift of sight. Atlanta Eye Associates believes that age-related macular disease, cataracts, and refractive error should not prevent you from experiencing the beauty of the world.Dr. Kim Raharja is a distinguished optometrist who has won numerous awards. She is exemplary of the commitment we have to quality. She was awarded the Georgia Young Optometrist of the Year in 2011, a rare award bestowed upon her by peers.

She was Wal-Mart Doctor of the Year, president of the Greater Atlanta Optometric Association, and a national lecturer for dry eye disease and contact lenses. Her extensive experience of over 15 years in the Atlanta area, as well as her knowledge of contact lenses, medical eye care, and pediatric eye care, have made her a respected expert.

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