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Eye Doctor Gloria Wu

Dr. Gloria Wu
San Jose, CA
Gloria Wu, MD

Gloria Wu, MD is a graduate of Harvard University and College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University. She has written three textbooks, Retina The Fundamentals (published in 1995 by WB Saunders), Ophthalmology for Primary care (published in 1997 by WB Saunders) and Diabetic Retinopathy (published in 2010 by J.P. Lippincott-Wolters Kluwer).

Gloria Wu, M.D. has a private practice in San Jose, California. She is currently accepting new patients. Walk-ins are usually not accepted; however, appointments can be made quickly by calling 408-356-5553.

Community Teaching
Dr. Gloria Wu has had an Access Television show for 11 years in Massachusetts and California, which culminated in 2001 Honorable Mention in National Hometown Video Festival. Her show, Healthtalk on Youtube reaches thousands of viewers.

OphthalmologyRetina and macula treatment

Board Certified Ophthalmologist - Retina-Vitreous

Gloria Wu, MD is a graduate of Harvard University and College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University. She has written three textbooks, Retina The Fundamentals (published in 1995 by WB Saunders), Ophthalmology for Primary care (published in 1997 by WB Saunders) and Diabetic Retinopathy (published in 2010 by J.P. Lippincott-Wolters Kluwer).

Gloria Wu, M.D. has a private practice in San Jose, California. She is currently accepting new patients. Walk-ins are usually not accepted; however, appointments can be made quickly by calling 408-356-5553.

Community Teaching
Dr. Gloria Wu has had an Access Television show for 11 years in Massachusetts and California, which culminated in 2001 Honorable Mention in National Hometown Video Festival. Her show, Healthtalk on Youtube reaches thousands of viewers.

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