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Lucy Qing Shen, MD photo

Eye Doctor Lucy Qing Shen, MD

Dr. Lucy Qing Shen, MD
Boston, MA
Glaucoma Service

As a clinician scientist, Dr. Shen's work primarily focuses on glaucoma detection and treatment. Of particular interest is how newer technologies, such as imaging, can be used to better monitor glaucoma. She is also studying how imaging may contribute to a clearer understanding of how disease originates and progresses. Additionally, Dr. Shen is also exploring treatment options for glaucoma in patients with Boston Keratoprosthesis (KPro), a type of artificial cornea.

In addition to her clinical and research responsibilities, Dr. Shen teaches and mentors medical students, residents, and fellows. In collaboration with her colleagues, she also played a vital role in redesigning the training curriculum for senior residents. Currently, Dr. Shen is the director of the glaucoma fellowship at Massachusetts Eye and Ear.

Throughout her career, Dr. Shen has been honored with numerous awards and scholarships. In particular, the American Glaucoma Society has presented her with several accolades, including the Young Clinician Scientist Award, the Best Surgery Video Award, and the Mentoring for Advancement of Physician Scientists Award. More recently, she received the Eleanor and Miles Fellowship from Harvard Medical School.


OphthalmologyGlaucoma treatment

Glaucoma, cataract

Undergraduate School

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Biology, Chemical Engineering)

Medical School

Harvard Medical School


Brigham and Women's Hospital (Internal Medicine)


Jules Stein Eye Institute, UCLA (Ophthalmology)


Jules Stein Eye Institute, UCLA (Glaucoma)

Board Certifications


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