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Prakash Selvaraj photo

Eye Doctor Prakash Selvaraj

Prakash Selvaraj
Chicago, IL
Total Eye Care

Dr. Prakash Selvaraj is the Chief of Ophthalmology at Mount Sinai Hospital, Chicago. He earned his Bachelors degree in Biology from the University of Chicago, and his Medical degree from The Ohio State University College of Medicine. Dr. Selvaraj completed his Ophthalmology residency at Cook County Hospital in Chicago and has been practicing since 1998. Dr. Selvaraj is a comprehensive ophthalmologist whose practice focus is cataract & refractive surgery as well as diabetic eye care. He uses the latest cataract surgery techniques and offers multifocal and toric lens implants. Dr. Selvaraj also performs laser eye procedures for the treatment of diabetic eye disease and glaucoma. Dr. Selvaraj has been a clinical instructor of Ophthalmology with the Cook County Hospital Department of Ophthalmology, and he currently lectures there as a volunteer.



Dr. Prakash Selvaraj is the Chief of Ophthalmology at Mount Sinai Hospital, Chicago. He earned his Bachelors degree in Biology from the University of Chicago, and his Medical degree from The Ohio State University College of Medicine. Dr. Selvaraj completed his Ophthalmology residency at Cook County Hospital in Chicago and has been practicing since 1998. Dr. Selvaraj is a comprehensive ophthalmologist whose practice focus is cataract & refractive surgery as well as diabetic eye care. He uses the latest cataract surgery techniques and offers multifocal and toric lens implants. Dr. Selvaraj also performs laser eye procedures for the treatment of diabetic eye disease and glaucoma. Dr. Selvaraj has been a clinical instructor of Ophthalmology with the Cook County Hospital Department of Ophthalmology, and he currently lectures there as a volunteer.

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