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Eye Doctor Weyland Dear

Dr. Weyland Dear
San Jose, CA
In Focus Optometry, Inc.

Dr. Dear is a California native and a graduate from UC Berkeley’s esteemed School of Optometry. Prior to co-founding In Focus Optometry, Inc., he worked for a variety of companies including Travis Air Force Base, the Veterans Administration, and North East Medical Services.  His up-to-date knowledge and techniques paired with his extensive experience in optometry allows him to provide patients with excellent eye-care.

Dr. Dear is often commended for his thorough exams, modern solutions and effective recommendations, along with his kind nature and easy-going personality.  He believes in compassion and communication, and enjoys working with patients of all ages on their specific needs.


Dr. Dear is a California native and a graduate from UC Berkeley’s esteemed School of Optometry. Prior to co-founding In Focus Optometry, Inc., he worked for a variety of companies including Travis Air Force Base, the Veterans Administration, and North East Medical Services.  His up-to-date knowledge and techniques paired with his extensive experience in optometry allows him to provide patients with excellent eye-care.

Dr. Dear is often commended for his thorough exams, modern solutions and effective recommendations, along with his kind nature and easy-going personality.  He believes in compassion and communication, and enjoys working with patients of all ages on their specific needs.

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