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Anna Kirillova photo

Eye Doctor Anna Kirillova

Dr Anna Kirillova
Gainesville, FL
Department of Ophthalmology

Dr. Kirillova has a BS in Optometry from Bar-Ilan University in Tel-Aviv, Israel, and practiced Optometry in central Israel until 2012. She also has an OD (optometry) from the New England College of Optometry in Boston and an MS in Applied Behavioral Analysis from Northeastern University. She has been the recipient of a Good-lite award for clinical and academic achievements in Pediatric Optometry. She completed a Pediatric Residency program at the New England College of Optometry, during which time she was trained by the pediatric ophthalmology and optometry specialists at Tufts Medical Center, Boston Medical Center, Dimock Community Health Center, and Perkins School for the Blind. Dr. Kirillova provides comprehensive and specialty care for pediatric patients with focus on special needs populations.
Dr. Kirillova provides comprehensive and urgent care for pediatric patients, including vision therapy, contact lens fitting, and functional vision examinations. She is a member of the Massachusetts Association of Optometry, American Optometric Association, and American Academy of Optometry. She is licensed to practice in both Massachusetts and Israel.


Optometrist, Department of Ophthalmology

Instructor, Harvard Medical School


Undergraduate School

Bar-Ilan University

2008, Ramat-Gan, Israel

Graduate School

New England College of Optometry

2014, Boston, MA


VA Lowell/Sheth-Horsley Eye Center/South Boston Comm Health Center, Perkins School

2014, Boston, MA


Pediatric Optometry

New England College of Optometry

2015, Boston, MA

Graduate School

Northeastern University

2019, Boston, MA

Anna Kirillova |Certifications

  • Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents (TPA)
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