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Chelsey Krambeer photo

Eye Doctor Chelsey Krambeer

Dr. Chelsey Krambeer
Dallas, TX
Dallas Eye & Ear

Chelsey Krambeer, M.D. is a highly respected ophthalmologist and glaucoma specialist. She pursued her medical degree at Texas Tech University HSC El Paso and went on to complete a prestigious fellowship at the renowned Mayo Clinic. Dr. Krambeer is deeply committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate care to her patients, specializing in the treatment of glaucoma. When she's not in the clinic, Dr. Krambeer enjoys indulging her passion for baking, particularly when creating delicious cakes.

OphthalmologyGlaucoma treatment

Glaucoma Specialist / Ophthalmologist

Chelsey Krambeer, M.D. is a highly respected ophthalmologist and glaucoma specialist. She pursued her medical degree at Texas Tech University HSC El Paso and went on to complete a prestigious fellowship at the renowned Mayo Clinic. Dr. Krambeer is deeply committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate care to her patients, specializing in the treatment of glaucoma. When she's not in the clinic, Dr. Krambeer enjoys indulging her passion for baking, particularly when creating delicious cakes.

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