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Garry Chrycy photo

Eye Doctor Garry Chrycy

Dr. Garry Chrycy
Miami, FL
Chrycy Eye Group

Dr. Garry Chrycy was the founder of Chrycy Eye Group in 1979. He has always been in the forefront of advancing trends. For over 35 years Dr. Chrycy has been receiving international attention with hard to fit contact lens cases. The South Florida community has recognized Dr. Chrycy's hard work and superb patient care with numerous awards and merits.


Dr. Garry Chrycy was the founder of Chrycy Eye Group in 1979. He has always been in the forefront of advancing trends. For over 35 years Dr. Chrycy has been receiving international attention with hard to fit contact lens cases. The South Florida community has recognized Dr. Chrycy's hard work and superb patient care with numerous awards and merits.

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