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Hina Lodhia photo

Eye Doctor Hina Lodhia

Dr. Hina Lodhia
Chicago, IL
Ashland Eye Care

Dr. Lodhia enjoys working with patients of all ages and has a variety of interests in optometry including ocular disease, pediatrics, co-management care with ophthalmologists, and contact lens fittings.

Outside of optometry, Dr. Lodhia enjoys spending time with friends and family, traveling, and exploring different cultures.


Dr. Lodhia works in Norridge, IL and 1 other location and specializes in Optometry.

Dr. Lodhia enjoys working with patients of all ages and has a variety of interests in optometry including ocular disease, pediatrics, co-management care with ophthalmologists, and contact lens fittings.

Outside of optometry, Dr. Lodhia enjoys spending time with friends and family, traveling, and exploring different cultures.

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