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JUDY LEE photo

Eye Doctor JUDY LEE

San Jose, CA
Winchester Optometry

Dr. Judy Lee attended UC Berkeley as a Physiology major and then received her Doctorate in optometry from the UC Berkeley School of Optometry in 1989. Dr. Lee is an active member of the Santa Clara Optometric Society and the California Optometric Association. She is married to an optometrist and has 3 grown daughters. In her free time, Judy enjoys running and hiking.


Dr. Judy Lee attended UC Berkeley as a Physiology major and then received her Doctorate in optometry from the UC Berkeley School of Optometry in 1989. Dr. Lee is an active member of the Santa Clara Optometric Society and the California Optometric Association. She is married to an optometrist and has 3 grown daughters. In her free time, Judy enjoys running and hiking.

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