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Ivashina Victoria Viktorivna photo

Eye Doctor Ivashina Victoria Viktorivna

Specialist in pediatric and adult ophthalmology and strabology.
She did an internship at the Children's Department of the Center for Eye Microsurgery in Kyiv and the Department of Refraction Pathology and Binocular Vision Disorders at the Institute named after VP Filatova ”in Odessa.
Glaucoma treatmentCataract treatmentComprehensive diagnosticsInflammatory processes
  • proper formation of the visual organs,
  • pathogenesis of myopia and astigmatism,
  • diagnosis and treatment of strabismus,
  • possibilities of hardware non-surgical treatment of vision.
She did an internship at the Children's Department of the Center for Eye Microsurgery in Kyiv and the Department of Refraction Pathology and Binocular Vision Disorders at the Institute named after VP Filatova ”in Odessa.
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