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Maan Alkharashi MD photo

Eye Doctor Maan Alkharashi MD

Dr. Maan Alkharashi MD
Gainesville, FL
Department of Ophthalmology

Professional History

Dr. Alkharashi is a full-time ophthalmologist at Mass. Eye and Ear and Boston Children’s Hospital. He studies surgical techniques for pediatric and adult strabismus with adjustable sutures, complex strabismus from thyroid orbitopathy and trauma. He is also interested in studying the different types of inherited retinal degenerations, including Leber congenital amaurosis and choroideremia.



Undergraduate School

King Saud University

2006, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Medical School

King Saud University Medical School

2008, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Riyadh Hospital

2009, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


McGill University

2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Boston Children's Hospital

2016, Boston, MA

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