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Walter E. Beebe, MD photo

Eye Doctor Walter E. Beebe, MD

Dr. Walter E. Beebe, MD
Dallas, TX
Cornea Associates of Texas

It is with bittersweet emotion that I announce my retirement from Cornea Associates of Texas and the practice of Ophthalmology. I have been blessed beyond belief with the opportunity to practice “my art” for 38 years in the Dallas metroplex area. I thank you for entrusting me and my physician associates at Cornea Associates of Texas. It has truly been an honor for me to provide specialized anterior segment eye care to them.
Rest assured that I leave with the confidence that Cornea Associates of Texas remains committed to provide the highest level of ophthalmic care.
I plan to remain working until the end of March of 2024. After that I plan to continue to reside in our Dallas home. I look forward to having more time to devote to my family, my church, volunteer work and other activities that are important to me.
I wish you the best and hope that our paths cross many times in the future.
Most sincerely yours,
- Walter Beebe, MD

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