Analyzing the reviews of numerous patients, laser vision correction surgeries are well-recognized procedures all over the globe. At the same time, lots of patients are wondering if there are any side effects and complications? Is it safe? Can patients really regain the quality of life? What are the benefits? Let’s explore these concerns.
Restore your quality of life with laser vision correction
Many people who use glasses or contact lenses sometimes have no idea how much their lives can be changed for the better and how performance levels can be boosted with the right medical approach. As soon as they gain the opportunity to look at the world with their own eyes, not be dependent on glasses, and get rid of the necessity to insert lenses, they feel freedom and confidence.Here are more benefits of surgically correcting your vision problems:
- quick healing, enhanced vision, and long-term results are obvious advantages of laser vision correction;
- advanced methods of vision restoration are painless since the eye is reliably anesthetized with drops;
- the discomfort after laser correction is minimal and usually disappears after a few days.
As early as 2 hours after the laser eye surgery, the patient can experience the first tangible results. During the first week, vision will stabilize, and the final recovery can be recorded after complete healing of the corneal tissues.
Treated conditions
Astigmatism that is the eye or natural lens defect triggered by a deviation from spherical curvature, hyperopia, and myopia are the common eye troubles that can be safely fixed with the different laser vision correction types.
Importance of proper preparation
top wearing soft contact lenses 1 week before surgery, hard contact lenses 2 weeks before the procedure. Avoid drinking alcohol at least 2 days before the surgery. Also, you must control your liquid balance and drink enough water. It is also recommended to avoid using cosmetics for one day.
Are you a perfect candidate for the procedure?
Not all people with refractive errors are good candidates for laser correction. With a thin cornea, high degrees of myopia and hyperopia, laser correction are contraindicated. Moreover, if an individual suffers from conditions that cause impaired or slowed healing or decreased tear production due to aging, allergic eye disorders, and a range of other diseases, it also can be reasons for a person to not receive a procedure because it may bring more harm than good.
Are there any risks associated with the procedure?
Complications can be avoided by contacting experienced ophthalmic surgeons and strictly sticking to their recommendations. If the patient does not follow the medical recommendations of the ophthalmologist after laser vision correction and skip proper follow-up care, vision may deteriorate, and various pathologies, visual disturbances, inflammation, infections of the organs of vision may often occur. However, most patients report only mild discomfort that goes away after some time.
It is of paramount importance to find out how to care for your eyes, e.g. you should avoid wearing makeup, strenuous exercises, and sun. Also, you should not rub or press your eyes. Following the guidance and doctor's instructions, you will prevent injury and infections, minimize or totally banish the need for contact lenses or glasses, bring your world into focus, and start enjoying your life to its fullest.