Amblyopia in children is a disease in which visual acuity may be decreased. Lazy eye syndrome is characterized by a reduced vision strain in one eye, which affects the visual processes in general. About 2% of the population has a similar pathology all around the globe. Children are the most vulnerable category.

The symptoms of amblyopia

The symptoms of amblyopia are as follows: 
  • significant deterioration in near vision;
  • distance vision is getting worse;
  • frequent headaches and extreme fatigue;
  • light sensitivity;
  • it becomes difficult to distinguish color shades;
  • the edge of the upper eyelid may be dropped;
  • the eyes start making uncontrolled movements.
Visual impairment can be mild or completely change vision and even lead to blindness. Therefore, you should not postpone treatment of amblyopia in children, ​as it may have serious consequences.

Medical strategies for the treatment of amblyopia in children

Timely diagnosis and comprehensive vision therapy for amblyopia in children are critical for improved lifelong vision and better kid’s well-being. So let’s explore four possible options for treating this condition:

Kids eye patch

Patching is probably the first medical solution for kids who have been diagnosed with the condition also known as lazy eye. Its purpose is to cover the healthier eye with not impaired eyesight to enhance the weaker and impaired eye to work more intensively. To obtain the desired outcomes and recover vision in the affected eye, a patch must be used as directed by a specialist.

Vision improvement with properly selected eyeglasses

Wearing glasses can help to fight signs of impaired or dim vision in children. Usually, kids who experience nearsightedness or far-sightedness are prescribed customized and adjusted eyeglasses. However, without other using only eyeglasses may be inefficient. So consider combining several types for the treatment of amblyopia in children to maximize the results.

Specially created eye drops

Drops are usually applied to one stronger eye, as the key task of such methods is similar to patching: to force the lazy eye to work better and regain its power. Drops are sometimes an imperative component of overall vision therapy, so it will be not so straightforward to bring back better vision without them.

Surgery for amblyopia in children

One of the causes of the condition can be cataracts, meaning that the eye becomes steadily opaque and vision is blurred. And even despite the fact that cataracts are most commonly associated with aging and strike the elderly, some kids may also suffer due to the affected natural lens. Thus, if amblyopia was triggered by cataracts, only surgical intervention can fix the issues with the eye. Eye muscle surgery is also a possible solution for treating the trouble. 

Importance of regular eye exam

Sometimes, children may not have any complaints, and the eye issue is silent without any prominent and alarming signs and symptoms. For parents, controlling the eye health of their children is of paramount importance since with timely detection, it would be easier to get rid of the consequences and eliminate all possible risks. A series of tests performed to assess vision help uncover problems with eyesight, detect vision-threatening and dangerous diseases early, and help protect kids’ eyes health
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